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Abstinence Landing-e

Helping to keep families together with abstinence testing

How abstinence monitoring can support your client

With increasing pressure to reduce time in court, we understand that family law practitioners are seeking ways to intervene at the pre-proceedings stage to reduce multiple court appearances.

Ongoing monitoring ensures a body of evidence can be built up to help prove abstinence and show your client’s commitment to bettering their situation.

We use innovative devices for both drug and alcohol monitoring which can be used as part of a 30, 60 or 90 day bespoke programme as agreed by you and your client.

Please tell us a little more about your testing requirements.


Exclusive to UK family law via Lextox, DrugPatch is applied to the outside of the donor’s upper arm and worn for up to 10 days as a one off exercise or as part of an ongoing programme.

Key benefits:

Non-invasive and discreet

Easy and quick to apply

Tamper evident

Doesn’t affect day-to-day activities

DrugPatch works by continually monitoring sweat and collecting drug molecules on an absorbent pad, after the patch is removed the pad is sent to the laboratory for testing.

Breath Test

The Breath Test

The portable Breath Test device fits easily into a donor’s everyday life and provides an instant alcohol reading once a sample is given. The device also uses AFI enhanced facial recognition so only the donor can give a sample.

Key benefits:

Text reminders

Missed test notifications

Non-invasive and robust

When a donor is taking part in a Breath Test programme, they are sent a text instructing them to take a test. The donor then blows into a mouthpiece on the device and the result is displayed instantly before being sent to an online portal.

Helping to keep families together with abstinence testing

Please tell us a little more about your testing requirements.

How abstinence monitoring can support your client

With increasing pressure to meet PLO guidelines, we understand that family law practitioners are seeking ways to intervene at the pre-proceedings stage to reduce multiple court appearances.

Ongoing monitoring ensures a body of evidence can be built up to help prove abstinence and show your client’s commitment to bettering their situation.

We use innovative devices for both drug and alcohol monitoring which can be used as part of a 30, 60 or 90 day bespoke programme as agreed by you and your client.


Exclusive to UK family law via Lextox, DrugPatch is applied to the outside of the donor’s upper arm and worn for up to 10 days as a one off exercise or as part of an ongoing programme.

Key benefits:

Non-invasive and discreet

Quick and easy to apply

Tamper evident

Doesn’t affect day-to-day activities

DrugPatch works by continually monitoring sweat and collecting drug molecules on an absorbent pad, after the patch is removed the pad is sent to the laboratory for testing.

Breath Test

The portable Breath Test device fits easily into a donor’s everyday life and provides an instant alcohol reading once a sample is given. The device also uses AFI enhanced facial recognition so only the donor can give a sample.

Key benefits:

Text reminders

Missed test notifications

Non-invasive and robust

When a donor is taking part in a Breath Test programme, they are sent a text instructing them to take a test. The donor then blows into a mouthpiece on the device and the result is displayed instantly before being sent to an online portal.