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Request a quote from our experts

Lextox accepts new instructions and questions on the testing process or analysis results from solicitors, social workers, local authority family teams and other relevant businesses.

Individuals who have legal representation are asked to contact us via their legal representatives, requests for information submitted directly to Lextox from these individuals will not be actioned.

Drug and alcohol testing

Hair drug testing for illegal drugs, Psychoactive Substances and Spice, hair alcohol testing and blood analysis for alcohol markers.

DNA testing

Legal DNA Paternity and Relationship Testing at an accredited partner laboratory.

SCRAM: Continuous Alcohol Monitoring®

Alcohol testing 24 hours a day, 7 days a week – profiles a day by day pattern of alcohol use every 30 minutes.

Nail drug and alcohol testing

Nail Alcohol Testing 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Obtain a legally defensible expert report on alcohol use.

Abstinence monitoring

Use our DrugPatch or Breath Test services to prove abstinence over a set period of time.

The Lextox client app

If you are already an online user and have an account, please log in below. For all other enquiries please use either the online forms or PDF downloads.

Speak to a Lextox professional today

Call us

+44 (0)29 2048 4141

Mon-Fri 9am-5pm